Our Programs

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what we offer

Ten Talent Ministries Adult Education Program is a personalized tutoring program focusing on helping New York area adults (age 18 or older) to become more self-sufficient and thriving members of the community and economy. Our process and non-traditional learning environment are effective because not everyone learns at the same pace, in the same way, or has the same strengths. Helping the students obtain their High School Equivalency (HSE) diploma is just the first step in supporting them to become life-long learners who contribute positively to their families and communities.

Our staff has created a program that is different than other education programs, with success rates that you won’t find in other HSE/GED preparation classes. And the reason is simple. We approach each student’s individual learning needs from a social emotional perspective. We identify the areas in which they need assistance and work to overcome barriers that have prevented them from reaching their goals.

When an adult obtains their HSE diploma, they are better positioned to obtain secure and stable employment. This economic empowerment is critical for the residents of our area. 80% of our students have told us that they are seeking their HSE to better support their families. An HSE diploma builds the capacity of the student, helps the family, and helps our communities.

our difference

Non-traditional learning environment

For many students, traditional classroom settings are not conducive to learning and this is a contributing factor to why they did not receive a high school diploma. Our instructors work one-on-one with the student and encourage their self-motivation.

Student paced learning

Our students don’t have the pressure of taking the GED after a class session finishes. They take the test when they are ready, and they can take as much or as little time as they need to become prepared. We focus on custom learning patterns and pace.

Personalized student learning 

Through our assessment segment, we treat every student as an individual, tailoring the program to meet their own educational needs. Some students need less focus on reading and more on math. Others have more challenges with writing. Each student’s work plan is constructed to emphasize their strengths and work to meet their challenges. Our students work on their own learning path and at their own pace, progressing through the curriculum when they are ready to move on.

We identify if there is a barrier to learning 

Our program is not a “one size fits all”.  Different students need different motivation, types of assistance and varying degrees of emotional support. Our staff works with each student to identify if they have a barrier to learning that may be preventing them from achieving their goals. And the results of improved self-esteem, empowerment, knowledge and earning potential, are well worth the effort.

We don’t stop with the GED® test 


When our students pass the GED, we want to keep the momentum going. So, we work with our graduates to provide their “next step”, whether it is guidance in options and introductions to higher institutions of learning for continuing education, looking for work or obtaining vocational training. The important aspect that we actively encourage is to keep going to truly change the economic stability of their lives for themselves and their families.


our work

The four segments of the GED® are: Mathematical Reasoning, Reasoning through Language Arts, Social Studies and Science.  Mathematical Reasoning is typically the most difficult of the four segments and the area where students request the most help. Therefore, we place a special emphasis on math skills, while we work on skills in other subjects.

Information Session

Students are informed on how the program works, as well as the commitment required, including materials and participation.


Our program focuses on the critical element of determining where each student’s previous education left off. From that, we develop a personalized program, at a level of understanding that will ensure the student’s testing and learning success.

Work Plan

Each student receives their own work plan, based upon the outcome of the assessment, their individual needs and learning abilities. Our staff and trained tutors work with each student one-on-one, to overcome challenges and achieve results.

“for I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

– Jeremiah 29:11

our partners

We would like to thank our partners and organizations who help us put education first. We encourage you and/or your organization to support programs, in-kind or volunteer support to these like-minded organizations.

We are grateful for all of their help and proudly acknowledge their dedication to our students. We encourage you to support these organizations:


The Father’s Heart Ministries NYC

Lifting Up Westchester